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Date de naissance : 16 Avr 1993 (31 ans)
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How to Make Ceilings Look Higher

There are interior design techniques you can employ to make the ceilings in one area or throughout your house appear higher. Whether your house is more modern or antique, low ceilings can give the impression that rooms are small and claustrophobic. 

Although, on the plus side, they can also provide a cozy feeling in a room, improper furniture, window treatments, or carpet selection can significantly distort the room's dimensions. In this post, Ceiling Fans Living will suggest several techniques that can be useful for you.



To Make A Ceiling Appear Higher, Select Low-Slung Furniture

Living rooms with low ceilings benefit greatly from low-slung furniture that hugs the floor. Simple designs that serve a single purpose are also appropriate. Why? Because you can see more of the wall above the furniture when it is lowered and less distracting, the ceiling appears higher. 

This is true even if your wallpaper is ornamental; the key is to play with proportions and deceive the eye, like in this Designer's Guild room. 


  Check out: Ceiling Fans Living: a website reviewing the best ceiling fan products

Select a paler shade for the ceiling

A simple technique to give the impression that ceilings are higher? Paint your ceiling, ideally white, a shade lighter than the walls. While some claim a matte finish will help the ceiling blend in better, others think high-gloss paint is ideal since it reflects light and somehow makes the ceiling look less fixed and static. 

To create the idea of larger, higher walls, paint the first two or three inches of the ceiling surrounding the perimeter the same color as the walls.

Put in several layers of light

Light coming directly from the ceiling generally enhances the room's appearance. Furthermore, this type of lighting shouldn't be the only light in a space, especially if the room has a low ceiling. 

Add more lighting to the room's floor, walls, and other potential surfaces. Choose floor lamps that shine forth and upward to create a vertical line that will also appear to extend the ceilings. Such lighting gives a room of any size warmth in addition to the needed space.


●●● Read More: CeilingFansLiving: Design Your House With The Best Ceiling Fan

Apply Vertical Paint Strips

A great, budget-friendly method to redecorate a room is to paint stripes on the walls. The walls of a dining room might be covered with stripes to create an accent wall. The difference is more significant the larger the contrast between the stripes' colors. 

Use monochromatic warm tones, such as red, orange, yellow, brown, cream, or tan, to create a visually appealing and comfortable ambiance. To create a more striking impression, go for serene, contrasting hues like silver, white, blue, purple, or black. 

Painting stripes on the wall is only one option. There are more options. The paneling and wallpaper also look good. Moreover, washi tape is an option.


Set Up The Walls

"We think that wall-framing is becoming a trend very quickly, and for good reason," says Irene Gunter, founder of the interior design firm Gunter & Co. "It adds symmetry and is a great way to add a decorative element to a scheme. 

You can use it to frame artwork and important elements of your room, like this sofa." 

Because you look at the artwork first and then the wall framing—which is, of course, higher than it is broader to restore the room's proportions—it diverts your attention from the low ceiling in this instance.

Very clever, huh? The white ceiling and the white around the framing also visually raise the ceiling.


 If you would like to know more about a ceiling fan and more product review details, use the link below: 

 ojRQlZP.gif A simple guide on how to choose ceiling fans


interior door openings raised

Mrs. Howard, Personal Shopper has this clever suggestion, but it only works if you're prepared to make some structural adjustments (for example, if you recently purchased a house with low ceilings or are remodeling a space): The inside door apertures should be raised to the ceiling, or very nearly there, according to her advice. 

Make use of vibrant carpet

Bright refers to a carpet with a crazy array of colors. The primary focal point will be it, and the low ceilings won't be apparent. The space will appear larger and the ceiling high if you pair this floor accent color with light-colored walls. 

Try to keep the remainder of the space simple while employing this style, and stay away from eye-catching curtains or paintings.

Any room's ceiling can be made to appear visually longer in a variety of ways. Select the options that best fit your interior design concept. It is safe to mix multiple strategies to increase the effectiveness of the outcome.


Source: Mark Wahlberg

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